Thursday, September 30, 2021

Drop a Jeans Size Fat Burning WOrkout – Crazy 2 Weeks

Get Ready to Drop a Jeans Size in 2 Weeks

It’s great timing for a new fat burning workout plan to help you overcome all the daily life obstacles and finding the time to organize and plan a new workout.

The plan is quite straight forward but it requires that you shift all your focus to making every repetition count so that you can begin to lose not only belly fat but fat in your biggest problem areas like your thighs, arms and backside. It’s designed to increase lean muscle mass which will amp up your fat burning metabolism and get you to drop a jean size within 2 weeks time.

You’re going to take your sets to exhaustion (like the exhaustion you feel after spending 4 hours at Walmart exhaustion!), and you’re also going to reduce the amount of time you rest between sets and exercises.  That means within 30 seconds after each single exercise you are starting the next set or exercise.   Push hard, push until you get a slight uncomfortable feeling, that is when you’re going to see some serious results.

Recommended Fat Burning Workout Supplements

Probably the most comprehensive supplement package you will ever come across are the following stacks which are specifically designed to help you burn fat. They include pretty much everything you will ever need for boosting your metabolism into hyper-drive and have great reviews. Check them out:

Now let’s get into this simple workout plan…

Fat Burning Workout Plan – Just 2 Weeks

Day 1: Legs
10 minutes of medium intensity elliptical trainer
3 sets of 14 Barbell squats (view exercise)
3 sets of 10 (each leg) Lunges with dumbbells (view exercise)
3 sets of 12 leg press (view exercise)
3 sets of 12 Medicine ball squat and press (view exercise)
10 minutes of high intensity interval training on treadmill (view my article on High Intensity Interval Training

Day 2: Chest & Back
10 minutes of medium intensity elliptical trainer
3 sets of 14 Dumbbell press (view exercise)
3 sets of 14 Lat pulldowns (view exercise)
3 sets of 12 Flyes (view exercise)
3 sets of 12 Seated cable rows (view exercise)
3 sets of 14 Push ups on bosu ball (view exercise)
10 minutes of interval training on treadmill

Day 3: Core & Cardio
5 minutes jumping rope
4 sets of 15 Ab crunches (view exercise)
4 sets of 12 Hanging leg raises (view exercise)
4 sets of 12 Back extensions (view exercise)
3 sets of 30 seconds Plank on stability ball (view exercise)
20 minutes of elliptical trainer

Day 4: Rest/Light Cardio
30 minute brisk walk

Day 5: Shoulders and Arms
10 minutes of medium intensity elliptical trainer
3 sets of 14 Seated dumbbell press (view exercise)
3 sets of 14 Standing dumbbell curls (view exercise)
3 sets of 12 Triceps pushdowns (view exercise)
3 sets of 14 Side lateral raise (view exercise)
3 sets of 14 Biceps cable curls (view exercise)
3 sets of 12 Triceps overhead extensions (view exercise)
3 sets of 14 Seated rear deltoid raises (view exercise)
10 minutes of interval training on treadmill

Day 6: Core & Cardio
5 minutes jumping rope
4 sets of 15 Ab crunches (view exercise)
4 sets of 12 Hanging leg raises (view exercise)
4 sets of 12 Back extensions (view exercise)
3 sets of 30 seconds Plank on stability ball (view exercise)
20 minutes of elliptical trainer

Day 7: Rest/Light Cardio
30 minute brisk walk

Fat Burning Workout Plan: Conclusion

You’ll notice the focus in this fat burning workout plan on the high number of reps and the continued cardio activity throughout each day and remember to make each repetition count. Stick with this plan for at least 3-4 weeks and you will see some impressive results with the reduction of your overall body fat and in particular your problem areas as long as you stick with a healthy nutrition plan. if you need more guidance with nutrition check out my Sexy Flat Abs Meal Plan which includes a full 7 day/week meal plan including healthy snacks to keep you totally satisfied.

Have any questions or feedback about this article? Please leave me a comment below…


However, the active medium is the use of a contraceptive pill, which requires a valid prescription. cialis malaysia I know it is tedious to get one, but with the apps and web services explained above, you can purchase birth control pills without prescription with ease.

* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Injury and Preventing Weight Gain – 3 Ultimate Tips

Injury and Preventing Weight Gain

Injuries happen to the best of us, and especially for those of who are trying sometimes a little too hard a little too quick.

Without a doubt one of the biggest worries during an injury is preventing weight gain. Making it to the gym, or getting intense exercise of any kind, can be quite difficult depending on the severity of the injury.

But don’t sweat it. There’s a lot you can do during an injury to maintain and even improve your current fitness level.

In fact, what I recommend to most people is to consider their injury a break from their normal routine. Remember, your body gets bored with the same old thing, so this may be the perfect time to find other ways to stay fit.

3 Ultimate Injury and Preventing Weight Gain Strategies

Injury and Preventing Weight Gain Strategy #1: Look for New Methods of Exercise

If your injury prevents you from running or jumping on the cardio equipment at the gym, consider trying Pilates or yoga. Both of these low impact forms of exercise are great options for staying in shape and may give your muscles a bit of a boost.

In fact, many physical therapists actually use Pilates in order to increase range of motion, improve tissue repair, and recover strength and flexibility. If your injury is severe, definitely take instruction from a specialist. But yoga or Pilates classes may be great options if your injury is only minor. You can also consider replacing high impact exercise with things like cycling or swimming.

Injury and Preventing Weight Gain

Injury and Preventing Weight Gain Strategy #2: Start a Healthy Habit

If your injury is completely preventing you from being active, then I recommend focusing on other areas of your health. Consider taking this time to improve some other area of your life that you haven’t had time to focus on.

For example, you might want to take the time that you would have spent running to prepare fresh, whole food meals. Or, focus on establishing better sleep patterns. Even something like eating raw food or going organic is a great new habit to start during an injury, as it will help prevent weight gain as well.

Injury and Preventing Weight Gain Strategy #3: Learn to Relax

An injury may also be a good time to work on your inner health and wellness. If you can incorporate some yoga, that’s great, but either way meditation is a really effective method of improving your overall sense of well-being.

If your injury is only short-term, you can definitely consider those couple of weeks a good recovery period for your muscles and joints. After weeks or months of constant working out, your body is probably in need of some major rest. But why not regain some inner peace at the same time? Try replacing your workouts with meditation, yoga or any other activity which allows you to relax your mind, and I guarantee you’ll feel refreshed and rejuvenated when you return to the gym.

Injury and Preventing Weight Gain – Conclusion

Remember, you don’t need to be out running or working out in a gym to be burning calories. Depending on the severity of your injury, just try to stay active as much as possible. Swimming, biking, hiking or taking long walks are great low impact activities. Every little bit counts.

If your major focus is resistance training and your injury is keeping you from hitting the weights, then I highly recommend taking a high quality protein supplement during this period of time. Gaspari Nutrition Myofusion is a great (and tasty) option. Combined with a recovery supplement like Optimum Glutamine, your muscles will get the fuel they need to stay in top shape during your break.

Have any questions or feedback about injury and preventing weight gain? Please leave a comment below…

Resources: Pubmed

Thus remember, Champix is only an aid – not a miracle cure. cialis 20mg Expect moodswings, irritability and possibly depression – that way you’re much more prepared to tackle them head on if it happens.

* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

No More Pain! 3 Fruit Smoothie Fast Recovery Recipes

Increase Energy & Reduce Pain

If you’re always sore and feeling exhausted it is a good time to start thinking about ways to improve your energy and recovery from any exercise you are doing. That’s why the upcoming smoothie fast recovery recipes are invaluable!

By working out your body will naturally put a lot of strain on your muscles and joints. In addition to that, you’re actually getting micro-tears in your muscles with every exertion. Not to be alarmed though, this is part of the normal process of your body breaking down and building muscle tissue and helps you increase strength over time.

With that said focusing more on the recovery process, you can not only reduce strain and injury, you can also speed up the muscle repair process in a serious way with a solid nutrition plan.

The good news is that there are also some fantastic recovery supplements on the market to help you out. Branched chain amino acids are particularly effective, and they can be taken before, during, or after a workout to boost recovery and muscle healing. BPI Sports Best BCAA  is one of the most highly rated in the market and Optimum Glutamine is also another inexpensive and great choice when it comes to replenishing your muscles with amino acids.

In addition, your protein intake is incredibly important to help your recovery speed. Whey protein works well, but time-released proteins like casein that take longer to digest are even better.

And what better way than to have a healthy fruit smoothie that’s also high in protein. Here are 3 recipes for fast recovery…

Smoothie Fast Recovery Recipes

3 Fruit Smoothie Fast Recovery Recipes1. Berry Blast Recovery Boost – This one is packed full of antioxidants and electrolytes to totally replenish your energy and improve healing. The Greek yogurt is also packed full of health protein for muscle growth. Blend together the following ingredients:

  • ½ cup of fresh or frozen blueberries or acai berries (or mix)
  • 1/3 cup of raspberries
  • 1/3 cup of water
  • ½ cup of fat-free vanilla-flavored Greek yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon ground flaxseed

2. Time-Released Tropical Smoothie – If you want something that’s healthy and totally satisfying, go for this one. The added dose of coconut water will help replenish your body’s resources, while the casein protein will feed your muscles for hours following your workout. Blend together the following ingredients:

  • ½ cup of fresh pineapple
  • 1/4 cup fresh strawberries
  • ½ cup of coconut water
  • 1 scoop of Optimum 100% Casein Protein (vanilla flavor)
  • 1/3 a fresh avocado

3. Vegan Vital Energy Shake – If you prefer the vegan or vegetarian route, give this one a try. Not only does it have a solid serving of vegetarian-based protein, it’s also packed with phytonutrients, antioxidants, and electrolytes to improve post-workout recovery. Blend together the following ingredients:

  • ½ cup of mixed frozen fruit
  • 1/2 cup of acai or blueberry juice
  • 1 medium banana
  • A handful of fresh baby spinach
  • 1 scoop of Gardenia All Natural Vegan Protein (vanilla flavor)
  • Ice as desired

Feel free to mix up these ingredients as you wish! Either way, these smoothie recipes will lead to faster and better recovery, which means serious fitness results!

Have any questions or feedback about these 3 Fruit Smoothie Fast Recovery Recipes? Please leave a comment below…

He is also an avid seeker of knowledge who is always on the lookout for an opportunity to learn something new. viagra 100mg Your email address will not be published.

* This article was originally published here

Monday, September 27, 2021

5 Effective Weight Loss Tips – Stop Gaining Weight at Work

Weight Loss Tips – Stop Gaining Weight at Work

I see it time and time again, so many of us get stuck in a crazy world of trying to manage work stress plus all the other stresses of normal life like managing relationships, family, bills and of course our health.

When we are put into this type of environment our will-power gets seriously compromised because we make excuses for eating the cookies, chocolates, and whatever unhealthy foods that face you at work since it seems like a way out of all things causing us stress!

So how do we overcome? Let’s take a look at some very powerful tips that will ensure that you stop gaining weight at work and instead form a plan of success to keep your energy and will-power at the highest level possible.

Once this is achieved you can finally be pleased with the results you see in the mirror.  And don’t worry it doesn’t mean doing sit-ups at work!!

Weight Loss Tips #1 – Coffee Calories

Are you already aware of the extremely high calorie count of almost all non-black coffees you get from starbucks and other similar coffee shops? Some lattes can contain over 400 calories especially when flavored or if they use cream.

Be smart about your coffee, if you can’t avoid it all together have it with skim milk and a zero calorie natural sweetner like stevia. If you want more info about this read my article Stevia Sweetner – Good or Bad?.

Think about how much impact this will have on your weekly caloric intake if you have 5 or more coffees a week this could be in the 1000+ calorie savings range!

Weight Loss Tips #2 – Protein Rich Lunch

One of the biggest mistakes I see often is that most people have lunches that consist of too many carbs or fats and not enough protein. Those who think they are being healthy with a salad usually go sideways with the amount of sauce, dressings, or whatever other processed food that usually is cheap and lacks the best nutrients.

What ends up happening is that a few hours later their hunger kicks in hard-core and they crumble to the junk foods that have been tantalizing them all day.

Now protein not only helps with muscle recovery and growth, but also slows the digestion of carbohydrates and this means less chance of those carbs being stored as fat.

Another easy way to supplement your lunch is to have a protein shake (my favorites are  Gardenia All Natural Vegan Protein and Optimum 100% Natural Whey).  Skip the cheap protein powders which are full of artificial sweeteners and fillers and pick these two, your body will thank you.

Weight Loss Tips #3 – The Right Amount of Sleep

Gosh with this tip I feel like we are still like kids. We have to get the right amount of sleep so our mental game is working at its best efficiency and strength during the day.

With less than 7 hours of sleep night after night you’ll find that your will-power is diminished significantly and you become desperate for a pick-me-up which usually comes in the form of sugary or fatty belly-busting foods. This is a path of total self destruction when it comes to your physique and it can take you down a pretty deep rabbit hole.

I know with all the stress we have it can be especially hard to fall asleep and that is why a simple supplement like  Irwin Naturals: Power To Sleep PM  and  Z-MATRIX Sleep & Immunity Support are awesome in allowing us to shut off at the end of the day and have a rich deep sleep.

7-8 hours of sleep is ideal in making sure our brain and muscles recover. This ensures our metabolism works at its highest efficiency during the day and that we have the right amount of energy to push through our workouts.

Weight Loss Tips #4 – Move!

It’s incredibly easy to sit down at your desk or in a meeting for the whole day minus your lunch and coffee breaks. And with that usually goes hand-in-hand with exhaustion and lack of focus. Eventually we’re procrastinating on Instagram or Pinterest!

Well if you relate with any of that, then here’s a more simple weight loss tip than you may ever think.  With every 55 minutes of work, take 5 minutes to go for a walk outside and give your eyes a break!

Sure that doesn’t sound like it will have a huge impact with any kind of weight loss, but even if you burn only an extra 20 calories to go for that walk, that means 140 calories a day or over 4000 calories a month, or close to 50,000 calories a year!

Weight Loss Tips #5 – Just Breathe!

Just when you thought it couldn’t get easier, could you ever imagine that breathing could be such a powerful weight loss tip?  Here’s why…

When we’re stressed out our body produces the hormone cortisol to the max and this hormone has been linked with weight gain (Resource:  Pubmed).  That means when we’re freaking out about a deadline or an annoying colleague your body immediately goes into weight gain mode.

So here it is, when you are feeling stressed out, go somewhere no one can disturb you and take 5 long and deep breathes.

This is probably not a new concept to you, but the action of taking deep breathes automatically disconnects your brain from the stress factor.  In other words, your main focus on breathing your body immediately reduces your cortisol levels and allows for balance to take place again.

It’s an incredibly powerful technique that should not be dismissed as it is used by the most elite athletes in the world.  Just breathe!

Weight Loss Tips – Stop Gaining Weight at Work: Conclusion

These 5 tips are extremely easy to follow and will have maximal impact on your weight loss and training goals so make sure you follow them to the tee. What you’ll find is that at the end of the day you feel much better about your health and this positive energy will catapult your results and your satisfaction with your life. I don’t know what more there is to say than that?

Do you have any questions about other things that screw up your healthy eating plan at work or other suggestions you think could help others? Please leave a comment below…

* This article was originally published here

Sunday, September 26, 2021

How to Get Sexy Abs – 5 Essential Steps

How to Get Sexy Abs

Let’s face it – rock hard, chiseled six pack abs can be pretty sexy! But the big question still remains on how to get sexy abs!

There are some basic rules for getting rock hard, sexy 6 pack abs that often get missed.  And, if you push yourself and stick to them, you’re guaranteed to improve that chiseled abdominal look.

The trick is realizing that your abs and core are very different than other muscle groups in your body. They’re smaller and serve a very unique role in your overall fitness. This is why there’s often a lot of confusion about how to train them.

This article clears up some of that confusion and offers you a 5-step guide to getting sexier, stronger, and more chiseled abs.

Let’s get to it!

How to Get Sexy Abs in 5 Steps!

1. Train Your Entire Body – One of the biggest misconceptions out there is the belief that ab exercises (like crunches) will get you burning more abdominal fat. The truth is, it’s impossible to target your body’s fat-burning efforts in that way.

Instead, you need to be working out your entire body to maximize your fat-burning efforts, a key step to showing off those sexy abs.

The larger muscle groups will get you burning even more fat, so don’t neglect your lower body or your back. To allow these larges muscles to recover and grow, start each day with a protein shake. Gaspari Nutrition Myofusion and Optimum 100% Natural Whey are fantastic (and effective) options.

With stronger leg and back muscles, you are creating a pathway to boost your fat burning metablism, which means you are one step closer to sexy abs!

2. Focus on Your Core, Not Just Your Abs – Many people start their workouts with crunches and sit-ups. Unfortunately, this isn’t going to give you the results you’re looking for because you’re only targeting one part of your core muscles.

Instead, start your workouts with exercises that train your entire core. This will give you better gains in core strength, which will translate into sexier abs!  If you need some ideas, check out my 30 Minute  Amplified Ab Workout Routine here.

3. Don’t Overdo It – I find that  every once in a while I skip an intense ab workout because it’s so intense and my muscles are already pretty sore.

So for that week I will do my ab exercises in smaller bursts by separating them throughout the week. Funny enough, this essentially reflects the unique nature of your core muscles which plays a role in nearly all of your body’s movements by stabilizing our spine and assisting you in balance.

2 to 4 sets of a couple core exercises before each workout can go a long way. Don’t tire them out – just make them stronger!

how to get abs

4. Make Weights Your Priority – If you have the time, then cardio can definitely help you burn a few extra calories, which may contribute to that sexy six pack. But cardio should not be your only focus, and if you’re tight on time, you should in fact make resistance training your priority.

Resistance or weight training will help you build lean muscle mass, which contributes to your body’s overall ability to burn fat and calories and to get sexy abs that is pretty much an essential component to your sucess.

To boost your body’s fat-burning potential during your workouts,  you may want to consider taking a metabolism-boosting supplement like 7-Keto LeanGels.  The unique blend of fat-burning substances in this supplement will help you shed the extra pounds while maintaining your lean muscle mass. Check it out here – 7-Keto LeanGels.

Another top seller you may want to consider is Burn-XT Thermogenic Fat Burner which is now one of the most reviewed fat burning supplements on Amazon. It includes green tea extract, Carnitine, Cayene and Black Pepper and of course good old caffeine. Basically it’s fat burning to the extreme!

5. Keep Moving! – As I’ve been suggesting throughout this article, you really need to burn that extra body fat in order to show off those sexy abs.

This is why it’s so important to keep moving! Too much rest between sets at the gym can translate into lost opportunity.

Instead, keep moving by engaging in weight-lifting techniques like circuit training or supersetting. The reduced time between sets will keep your metabolism up and get you that much closer to a sexy six pack!

How to Get Sexy Abs – Conclusion

There you have it, 5 essential and simple steps to help you get those sexy abs you’ve always wanted. The magic factor with all of these steps is to stick with it and don’t give-up. Just imagine how amazing you’re going to feel when you look in the mirror and see those sexy abs.

If you’re wondering how long it will take to get sexy abs, that’s a great question! The truth is, that the more focus and determination you have,  the quicker you’re going to see the results.  We’re all built differently, some of us have quicker metabolisms, some of us require a little fight and shocking our system to reach that last mile.

Have any questions on how to get sexy abs? Please leave me a comment below…

Resources: PubMed

Just a heart. viagra pills Each birds development using to College dropped.

* This article was originally published here

Strength training can also promote weight loss: Study - Times Now

Strength training can also promote weight loss: Study  Times Now

* This article was originally published here

Friday, September 24, 2021

Does Your Pet Need to Shed the COVID Weight? - AARP

Does Your Pet Need to Shed the COVID Weight?  AARP

* This article was originally published here

534 - How Getting Sleep Can Reduce Food Cravings (Reissue)

There's a connection between sleep and hunger. Getting better quality sleep may help with appetite, cravings, and ultimately, weight loss.

Read the transcript at
Check out all the Quick and Dirty Tips shows:


* This article was originally published here

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Full Power Stretching - New Fat Burn / Life Changing Stretching Method

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

The Famous Easy Home Workout: Tone up At Home

Get Fit in the Comfort of Your Own Home

Whether you’re prepping for the beach or recuperating from a few months of overeating, you can totally tone up in the comfort of your home without having to worry about who’s looking at you in a gym with this famous & easy home workout.

Home workouts have always played a critical role in the routines of the fittest people I know. Not only are they convenient, but they offer a little variety when the gym becomes too repetitive.

Whether you’re tight on time or just looking for a change, this quick and easy home workout will help keep your fitness and weight loss goals on track.

There are a few key principles to any successful and easy home workout.

First, it has to be appropriate for the space you have. If you live in a condo, you can’t include sprints in your workout. Similarly, you should always make the best use possible of any equipment you have on hand. But getting a little creative can go a long way, as you’ll see from this workout.

You should also make sure that any home workout is balanced. While focused home workouts (such as a home abdominal workout) can definitely be useful, it’s important to have a series of exercises on hand that target every muscle group. This will allow your home workouts to be flexible, and increases the likelihood that you’ll stay on track with your overall routine.

The Famous Easy Home Workout

This easy home workout is ‘famous’ because it draws upon some of the best exercises that most celebrities do when prepping for a movie and is designed to be a total body workout routine that can be completed in less than 30 minutes.Easy Home Workout

As for equipment, I’m going to give you some options. If you have dumbbells or a workout bench, feel free to use them. Or use a chair or couch instead of a bench, and milk jugs, soup cans, or other household objects instead of dumbbells.

For all of these exercises, aim for 2 sets of 8-12 reps, depending on your time and your workout goals. If your focus is on building strength and size, stick to the lower end of this range. For fat burning and toning, stay around 12 reps per set.

  • 3 minutes Warm Up – Jumping Jacks or Jump Rope (TIP: If you’re looking to invest in a good jump rope for home, take a look at this Harbinger Jump Rope.)
  • Lateral Lunges (each side) with dumbbells or other weight (view exercise)
  • Lower Ab Bicycle Crunch (view exercise)
  • Push-ups with feet on bench or couch (view exercise)
  • Squats with dumbbell or other weight (view exercise)
  • Ab Crunch (hold weight for extra resistance) (view exercise)
  • Incline Push-ups with hands on bench or couch (view exercise)
  • Standing Bicep Curls with dumbbells or other weight (view exercise)
  • Triceps Seated Extensions on chair (view exercise)
  • Bent Over Lateral Raises with dumbbells or other weight (view exercise)
  • Standing Calf Press with dumbbells or other weight (view exercise)
  • Bicycle Crunches (view exercise)
  • 3 minutes Cool Down & Stretching

This easy home workout packs quite the punch, and all in under 30 minutes! Get creative when it comes to adding resistance to these exercises, or consider grabbing a set of these Adjustable Resistance Toning Tubes – they can replace pretty much any weight!

For more great home workout equipment, check out my article on Best Home Workout Equipment.

Now at the end of the day, no matter how much you exercise, diet is going to be the other half of the battle.  With that in mind, these are some of the most awesome nutritional supplements that can help you lose that excess weight, and lose it fast!

Have any questions or feedback about this Easy Home Workout? Please leave a comment below…

* This article was originally published here

Monday, September 20, 2021

Top 6 Mesmerizing Cardio Exercises at Home

Cardio Exercises at Home

If you’re like me, you probably find yourself strapped for time when it comes to workouts. And let’s face it, life is hectic so getting some cardio in during the day seems like the least of your worries.

This is why cardio exercises at home have come in handy over the years, and most importantly now! A lot of people avoid home workouts because they think they’re less effective. And I’ll admit, a lot of stuff out there is pretty weak. But when done right, cardio exercises at home can be just as intense as the gym or outdoors.

This article reviews some of the best at-home full-body cardio exercises and fitness options. Remember, you can do a lot more than going for a walk or run!

Cardio Exercises at Home – Easy Options

Like I said, there’s a lot more you can do at home than just going for a walk or run. But that said, don’t throw these options out altogether. If you have the time, going for a 30-minute walk or run can burn a ton of calories and energize your day.

1. Cardio Exercises at Home – Jumping Rope

Jumping rope is super effective and burns a ton of fat and calories in very little time. What’s also great about jumping rope is that it’s a total body workout. You’re engaging your upper and lower body, and by engaging your core muscles, you can also get a decent core workout in there.

For a great jump rope workout, I highly recommend the Harbinger Jump Rope. It’s great for tracking your progress and keeping you on track with your goals of staying toned.

The best part of jumping rope is that interval training is naturally a part of it. You can mimic my High Intensity Interval Training routine with the jump rope.

cardio exercises at home2. Cardio Exercises at Home – Exercise Ball

Exercise balls are probably one of the most versatile pieces of home fitness equipment. You can get a great ab and core workout with this one item. You can also use it in a number of leg exercises or make your upper body workouts more challenging. Here is a full exercise ball ab workout

Here’s a great exercise ball package that includes a pump and a DVD with a ton of home exercises – Xercise Ball Package With DVD And Pump.

3. Cardio Exercises at Home – Toning Bands

Toning tubes and stretch bands can be incorporated into nearly any exercise, and they’re highly effective at adding variable levels of resistance in a muscle toning routine. You can go for lighter resistance with these Latex Stretch Bands or add on the pump with these Adjustable Resistance Toning Tubes. You can check out my Home Workout No Equipment article for ideas of using these cables.

*Secrets to Success withCardio Exercises at Home and Nutrition

Getting fit at home is a heck of a lot easier if you have the right nutrition plan in place.   Take it from me! Making sure you eliminate processed foods and stick to raw healthy organic foods will give you progress you never imagined possible. You won’t know until you’ve tried it for at least a few weeks so what do you have to lose but that pesky ab fat hiding your sexy midsection?

Here are a few ideas you can add to your nutrition plan to ensure you get everything your body needs as it’s hard to restrict calories when your body is in need of the variety of nutrients to function at its best.

  • Healthy fats like those found in NOW Ultra Omega-3 Heart & Cognition will give your fat burning metabolism a huge boost and help strip away fat from your waistline.
  • Thermogenic fat burner such as Signature Thermogenic which includes a powerful combination of Green Tea, Yohimbe Bark, and Cayenne to burn fat at 3-4 times the speed!
  • Vitamin D, like this Signature Vitamin D3 with bone and immunity support  supplement, not only boosts your immunity against nasty viruses, but it has been shown by researchers to improve weight loss efforts by up to 50%. Win Win!
  • Magic Matcha Green Tea is one of the best natural metabolism boosters and helps suppress the cravings for all the bad foods. It also comes without the jitters of coffee and has a very nice gentle taste that is acquired like a nice wine.
  • And for those looking for something a little more serious, try the revolutionary 7-Keto LeanGels, full of naturally occurring fat-burning ingredients like CLA, Green Tea Extract, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, and Rhodiola extract!

Cardio Exercises at Home – Taking Things to the Next Level

If you’re looking to take things up a notch, or you’re moving your workouts from the gym to your home, then you should consider one of these great at-home options:

4. Intense Cardio Exercises at Home – P90X

P90X is by far one of the most effective at-home fitness programs. It’s super intense and some of the workout can be fit in to a 30-60 minute window. Tons of celebrities have had amazing results with this program. Click here to check it out – P90X.

5. Intense Cardio Exercises at Home – Hip Hop Abs

This is another popular ones, and for good reason. This is an innovative way to incorporate some intense ab workouts into your day and have some fun at the same time. Click here for more info – Hip Hop Abs.

6. Intense Cardio Exercises at Home – Insanity Workout

This one isn’t for beginners, but don’t be scared to jump in to soon. This is an intense, full-body conditioning and fitness program that will get you ripped and toned in just 60 days! Check it out here – Insanity Workout

Cardio Exercises at Home – Conclusion

Any of these options are effective at getting you burning calories and feeling in shape. Remember, it all depends on your own goals and the amount of time you can commit. If you want to track your fitness progress through any of these exercises, consider investing in this Omron Heart Rate Monitor. It can help get you feeling motivated!

Have any questions or feedback about cardio exercises at home? Please leave a comment below…

* This article was originally published here

Thursday, September 16, 2021

How To Keep a Food Journal: Instructions and Tips - Healthline

How To Keep a Food Journal: Instructions and Tips  Healthline

* This article was originally published here

How to Build Muscle Mass Fast – Top 3 Secrets

How to Build Muscle Mass: The Next Level

Knowing how to build muscle mass takes more than just increasing your level of resistance training. In fact there are some secrets that fitness influencers use to get lean fast and we’re going to expose those in this article.

Just for the record while weight training serves as a critical foundation to increasing muscle mass, it’s really only the first step. Let me explain…

In order to gain lean muscle mass, your muscle tissue first needs to be put under some sort of tension. It needs to be engaged, usually repeatedly, to a high degree. This essentially causes the muscle tissue to stretch and tear. When it repairs itself, it builds new tissue, essentially “filling in the blanks” and increasing the overall size and density of the muscle.

For this reason, weight training is the first step in your muscle building efforts. You need to hit the weights hard and you need to hit them often. The usual results are usually seen with a weight-training regiment that is 4-5 days a week at a minimum of 40 minutes per workout.  And don’t forget to

If you want to learn one of the most effective workout routines which progress you from Beginner to Intermediate to Advanced, then check out my ultra popular Free Workout Routines for Men or my Free Workout Routines for Women both of which have had a million views!!

You can definitely increase your effort depending on your goals, but make sure you’re giving yourself enough rest. Allowing your muscles to repair themselves during this time is key to seeing results.

But once you get your routine down, there’s a lot more you can do to build muscle mass…

Secret #1: Diet & How to Build Muscle Mass

How to Build Muscle Mass

Increasing your protein intake is an ABSOLUTE essential step in the muscle building process. If you talk to any fitness influencer they’ll tell you that they eat A LOT for their muscles – meaning they’re consuming more protein and calories overall in order to see real results.

Protein contains the building blocks needed for new muscle tissue (amino acids), while an increased caloric intake is required to support the energy needed for lifting weights and building new muscle.

You can increase dietary protein in a number of ways. Lean meats like chicken, fish, and turkey contain the greatest variety of amino acids, which means better overall support. Eggs, dairy products, and beans are also great options.

I also recommend starting your day with a protein shake using a high quality protein supplement like Optimum 100% Natural Whey which is devoid of any artificial sugars and is nice and plain so it doesn’t have other ingredients which can upset your stomach.  If you’re trying to have a more plant-based diet then check out New Chapter Organic Plant Protein.

Secret #2: Recovery & How to Build Muscle Mass

Time for recovery and using advanced supplements is very critical to your success in building muscle mass. So the secret here is that you need to increase your amino acid intake with supplements that don’t come with a ton of crappy calories. These supplements are relatively inexpensive but very effective in helping with recovery. Sport BCAA Lean Muscle Building & Recovery is a totally tasteless powder you can add to any post workout smoothie and it doesn’t come with any artificial sweeteners or preservatives.

Secret #3: Endurance & How to Build Muscle Mass

You’ve probably already heard about Creatine, and you may have heard that it can cause you to retain some water and feel bloated, but in fact, when and how to use Creatine is the real secret that is not talked about much.

Here is what this is all about, Creatine helps you build muscle mass by improving muscle endurance and strength, meaning you’ll get more out of every pump AND experience better recovery.  The best time to have Creatine is when you are in the muscle growth phase.  It DOES cause your body to retain extra water, but water helps transport nutrients to your muscles and that is the real power behind this supplement.

My top pick for Creatine supplements is Signature Creatine Performance & Recovery simply again because it is not filled with a bunch of crappy artificial ingredients like most are. As with most supplements it’s best to cycle it on/off every 3 months just to keep your body guessing and not getting into a constant phase of plateau.

Whatever you do to build muscle mass, make sure you consider these supplemental options. They can have a huge impact on your results and save you from a ton of frustration!

Sources: Pubmed

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* This article was originally published here

Katie Price Instagram post banned by advertising watchdog over diet claim - The Guardian

Katie Price Instagram post banned by advertising watchdog over diet claim    The Guardian * This article was originally published here ...