Thursday, May 28, 2020

Indian Cooking Tips: Use Leftover Idlis To Make These Surprisingly Yummy Treats - NDTV Food

Indian Cooking Tips: Use Leftover Idlis To Make These Surprisingly Yummy Treats  NDTV Food

* This article was originally published here

Muscle Confusion Workout Routines

muscle confusion workout routines

Muscle Confusion Workout Routines

There’s a lot of talk in the fitness industry about muscle confusion workouts. But do they really work?

In my experience as a personal trainer, I’ve had the opportunity to participate in and observe muscle confusion routines firsthand. And what have I learned? Let me tell you…

First, muscle confusion can be an effective method of weight training and muscle building. But it’s not so effective on an extremely frequent basis.

The Truth about Muscle Confusion

While it’s true that muscle confusion can jumpstart your efforts at the gym and challenge your muscles in new ways, changing things up too regularly can actually stall the training process. This is because some consistency is needed in order to create a functional training environment that encourages progress.

In other words, you have to give your muscles enough time to respond to each routine. There’s always an adjustment period, and things don’t happen overnight. This is why it’s important to stick with a routine until you start to plateau.

Generally speaking, muscle confusion can be effectively implemented about once every 4-6 weeks. This is enough time for your muscles to make some progress with your current routine, but not too much time that they stop responding to your efforts.

The following muscle confusion workout routines offer up some great options for avoiding plateaus. And these are just a few ways to approach things…

Muscle Confusion Workout Routines

Muscle Confusion Routine #1 – The Recombination

The goal of this first workout routine is to change up the muscle groups that you exercise together during a single workout. Since you’re not necessarily changing the exercises themselves, you can implement this change every 2-4 weeks. Here’s what a typical 6 week routine looks like:

Weeks 1-2:
4-day split consisting of Chest/Triceps, Back/Biceps, Legs, Abs/Shoulders

Weeks 3-4:
4-day split consisting of Back/Triceps, Chest/Biceps, Legs/Shoulders, Abs/Core

Weeks 5-6:
4-day split consisting of Back/Shoulders, Biceps/Triceps, Chest/Shoulders, Legs/Abs

Muscle Confusion Routine #2 – A Change of Pace

This routine is all about frequency and pace. Some weeks you’re going to get really intense, while other weeks you’re going to take it a bit easier and allow some extra recovery time. Remember, a lot of muscle growth occurs during recovery!

Weeks 1-2:
3-day split consisting of Upper Body, Lower Body, Abs/Core

Weeks 3-4:
5-day split consisting of Chest, Back, Biceps/Triceps, Abs/Shoulders, Legs

Weeks 5-6:
4-day split consisting of Chest/Triceps, Back/Biceps, Legs/Shoulders, Abs/Core

Week 7:
Rest week – no workouts.

Muscle Confusion Routine #3 – Building/Cutting

One of the most useful muscle confusion workout routines is one in which bulk up and then lean out – what’s commonly referred to as cutting. Here’s how it might look…

Weeks 1-4:
5-day split consisting of Chest, Back, Biceps/Triceps, Abs/Shoulders, and Legs at high weight and low reps. Aim for 3-4 sets per exercise

Weeks 5-8:
4-day split consisting of Chest/Triceps, Back/Biceps, Legs/Shoulders, Abs/Core at low weight and high reps. Aim for 3-5 sets per exercise.

Weeks 9-12:
3-day split consisting of Upper Body, Lower Body, Abs/Core, with 2-3 additional days of high intensity cardio training.

Muscle Confusion Workout Routines – A Final Word

For a more detailed and specific layout of muscle confusion techniques, check out the following previous posts:

Both of these articles offer a ton of options for changing things up and overcoming muscle building plateaus. And don’t forget the benefits of a solid muscle-building diet. To learn how to eat right in order to support your weight training efforts, check out my Muscle Building Diet article here.

Have any questions or feedback about these Muscle Confusion Workout Routines? Please leave a comment below…

The post Muscle Confusion Workout Routines appeared first on Weight Loss & Training.

* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Butt Workouts for Women

butt workouts for women

Butt Workouts for Women

One of the most common goals I see among my female clients is getting a tighter and firmer butt. After all, your glutes (butt muscles) are an important part of your overall physique.

But I’ve noticed that it’s one of the muscle groups that people struggle with the most. As a personal trainer, I get a lot of questions about frequency, type, and intensity of exercising your butt muscles.

So I’m going to offer up all the details you need, in addition to outlining some great butt workouts and exercises for getting firmer and tighter glutes. These workouts are designed with women in mind, but they can definitely be adapted by men who are looking to firm things up!

Your Gluteal Muscles

Your buttocks is made up of 3 major muscles, called your gluteal muscles or glutes for short. They include the gluteus maximus (the biggest muscle of the three), the gluteus medius, and the gluteus minimus.

Butt Exercises and Workouts

Some of the most common exercises people engage in to exercise and train their gluteal muscles include lunges, squats, deadlifts, and leg presses. Aerobic exercises like cycling, climbing stairs, rowing, and even running will also get them into shape. (Of these, stair-climbing is probably my favorite.)

Butt Workouts for Women

I’m going to offer up 5 butt workouts for women that are designed to firm up your glutes in just a few weeks! These exercises are great because they can be done at home or at the gym.

For each exercise, I recommend 3-4 sets at 15-20 reps each.

1. Single Leg Bridge – Grab a chair or a weight bench for this one. Lie with your back against the floor and both legs extended straight in front of you, resting your heels on the chair or bench. Extend one leg straight into the air over your hip. Engage your hip, core, and butt muscles, and lift your hips off the floor, putting all your wait onto your shoulders. Hold there, then lower slowly. That’s one rep. Make sure you do a full set with each leg up.

2. Tree Extension – Stand on your tiptoes facing a stretching bar or chair back. With your feet together, grip the bar or chair back and bend slightly forward at your waist. Keeping your back straight, lift your left knee to hip level and extend your right heel off the floor. Hold here, and repeat on opposite side.

3. Kick Back – This one’s pretty simple, but it will really kick your butt muscles into gear. Start in a standing position with your heels together. Hold your hands at your hips, and slowly bend your upper body forward (head up, back straight) while slowly lifting one of your legs off the ground behind you. Keep both legs straight without locking your knees. Hold in the kick position, and repeat on opposite side.

4. Step-Up Lunge – This minor twist on a classic exercise offers the ideal butt workout. Start in a standing position a couple feet in front of a weight bench or chair (back facing the bench, feet at should width). Lift one of your legs behind you and rest it on the bench, allowing your knee to bend naturally. Your other leg should be bent at a 90 degree angle and your back held straight. From this position, engage in a deep lunge without moving your knee past your toes. Do a full set on each side.

5. Sky Squat – This one’s easy, but it’s effective. Start in a standing position with feet at shoulder width. As you lower your body into a squat (back held straight), slowly lift your arms straight up in front of you. Hold here, and lower your arms as you lift out of the squat.

Butt Workouts for Women – The Follow Up

Make sure you follow up a good butt workout with a high quality protein supplement like Optimum 100% Casein Protein. It’s a timed-release protein, so it will keep your muscles fueled for a few hours.

If you’re lactose intolerant, or if you’ve adopted a vegan lifestyle, there are some other great options on the market. My top pick is Vega Sport Performance Protein, which is specifically designed to support an active lifestyle.

Have any questions or feedback about Butt Workouts for Women? Please leave a comment below…

The post Butt Workouts for Women appeared first on Weight Loss & Training.

* This article was originally published here

Monday, May 25, 2020

Stephen Amell Arrow Workout

stephen amell workout green arrow

Stephen Amell Arrow Workout

Stephen Amell is the star of the new CW series Arrow, which is based on the early life of the DC Comics character The Green Arrow.  It follows in the footsteps of Smallville, and much like the star of that previous superhero hit, Stephen Amell is no stranger to the gym.

He has the total physique that we’d expect to see from any superhero: a chiseled chest, washboard abs, a tapered back, and ripped shoulders. This level of fitness doesn’t come easily, and there’s no doubt that Stephen Amell has been hitting the weights in anticipation of his new role.

While diet is a key component to this kind of fitness success, exercise and weight lifting play equally important roles.

Let’s look at 5 weight training exercises to help you look more like Stephen Amell. With a little dedication and some hard work, you’ll find yourself in superhero shape in just a few weeks! Here’s where to start…

The Stephen Amell Workout: 5 Muscle-Building Exercises

These exercises are all compound exercises, which means they work multiple muscles at the same time. They also focus on large muscles for the greatest visual impact. Balance is also key, as you want to strive for a symmetrical physique. Too much emphasis on any one muscle group will compromise your overall look.

For each exercise, aim for 4 sets of 6-10 reps. This will really help you pack on the size and strength.

1. Barbell Shoulder Press – This one’s great for defining your triceps, strengthening your traps, and building your shoulders. You should really explode through these lifts and get the most out of each press. Challenge is key, so start with this one at a high weight for the biggest impact. Make sure to start with a good warmup and aim for 4 consecutive sets of 12, 10, 8 and finally at your heaviest at 6.

To view this exercise, click here.

2. Deadlift – The deadlift is one of the best power exercises at your disposable. It works a crazy number of muscles at one time, including your glutes (butt muscles), lower and upper back, traps, forearms, and hamstrings. You’ll get a lot out of this one and you can use the same 4 set count as above.

To view this exercise, click here.

3. Dumbbell Chest Press – Dumbbells can provide you with some really intense workouts as well, and nothing has a bigger visual effect than the dumbbell chest press. In just a few weeks, with continuous increases in weight and resistance, you’ll see your chest muscles get totally ripped and defined.  After doing this exercise consistently for about 4 weeks go heavy and hard and make sure you have a spot so you can aim for 4 sets which take you to the max weight with as low as 4-6 reps of 5-6 sets.

To view this exercise, click here.

4. One-Armed Rows – This one focuses on building your upper back, lats, and biceps. All around it’s one of the most effective back and bicep exercises at your disposal. You’ll notice huge gains in your upper body strength in just a few weeks as these muscles together are some of your most powerful.  Make sure to keep your elbow in and a natural arch in your back.  4 sets of 10,8,6 and 6 repetitions.

To view this exercise, click here.

5. Chin Ups – This last exercise takes a more natural approach by using only your body weight for resistance. It’s one of my favorite exercises, and it’s another great option for strengthening your upper body, including your back and biceps. Your goal should be to get to 12-14 reps of 4 sets with this exercise.

To view this exercise, click here.

Alright so you now have some foundational strength training exercises to build on so how do you put it all together?

Focus on doing these exercises three times per week followed interspersed with 3 days of intense cardio per week.  This will allow your muscles to recover and at the same time get in lots of cardio to help you get shredded.

By intense cardio you can do treadmill, elliptical, kickboxing or anything else that gets your heart rate up and sweating bullets.

Give yourself about 6 weeks to build up with weights and intensity and you can also allow yourself about 60 seconds of rest between sets and exercises since you’re going to be going heavy and hard.

Getting the Most out of your Arrow Workout

To get the most out of your Stephen Amell workout and really maximize your gains, I recommend two essential supplements.

First, you need to follow your workouts with a satisfying, muscle-building protein supplement like Gaspari Nutrition Myofusion. The Delicious Vanilla flavor is fantastic, and it will go a long way to promote recovery.

My next pick is the energy-boosting Gaspari Nutrition SuperPump MAX. When it comes to power exercises like these, you need all the energy you can find to get out that extra pump. Gaspari Superpump MAX is one of the best pre-workout energy supplements available and many swear by it.

Have any questions or feedback about this Stephen Amell Arrow Workout? Please leave a comment below…

The post Stephen Amell Arrow Workout appeared first on Weight Loss & Training.

* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

How to Improve Your Memory

how to improve your memory

How to Improve Your Memory

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health – and trust me, improvements in one facet of your life will lead to improvements in the other.

And your memory is no exception. Memory is directly linked to good mental health and functioning, including your ability to concentrate and focus. With a better working memory, you’ll be more efficient and productive at work and at home.

Believe it or not, there are a number of strategies for improving your physical health that will directly influence your memory. Let’s take a closer look at how you can improve your memory today…

How to Improve Your Memory: 3 Easy Steps

1. Exercise in the Morning – Morning exercise is a great way to get both your body and mind in gear. By exercising at the start of your day, you’ll prepare your mind to function better throughout the day and night. Exercise is directly related to improved concentration, meaning you’ll be able to focus on and retain the information that really matters.

You can get an easy mental jumpstart to your day with a simple workouts using this LCD Digital Jump Rope or this Xercise Ball Package With DVD And Pump. In addition to giving your memory a boost, you’ll also boost your metabolism, so you can’t go wrong. And over time, exercise will lead to long term improvements in memory.

2. Eat a Vitamin Rich Diet – Many vitamins and nutrients are crucial for good mental health and memory. Your first step should be to ensure a balanced, health diet rich in vitamins and minerals. If you’re concerned about your diet and are looking for dietary supplements to improve your memory, here are the ones that really matter:

  • B Vitamins – The B vitamins have a really significant impact on mental functioning, concentration, and memory. While many foods are high in B vitamins, you still may not be getting enough in your diet. A great B Vitamin Complex on the market is this NOW B-100.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids – The Omega-3s have also been shown to play a role in brain health. If you’re worried about getting enough omega-3s through natural sources like fish and eggs, try these Optimum Fish Oil Softgels.
  • Antioxidants – Antioxidants support both physical and mental health in a number of ways, particularly by protecting our cells against aging. By increasing the antioxidants in your diet, you’ll help protect your brain against the effects of aging, which means a stronger memory. Vitamin C, like this NOW C-1000, is one of the most basic yet effective antioxidants you can include in your diet.

3. Get 7 to 8 Hours of Sleep – Sleep plays a significant role in your memory. Research has shown that one of the reasons we need sleep in the first place is for memory consolidation.

This means that better sleep will lead to better consolidation of the information you encountered during your day. The information you need to hold onto will stick, while the useless stuff will be more readily disposed of. If you need some help getting your sleep back on track, try Top Secret Nutrition Sleep.

Whatever you do, don’t leave your mental health to the wayside! Improving aspects of mental health, like memory, will support your overall health and wellbeing. And your day will be less stressful as a result, I guarantee it!

Have any questions or feedback about How to Improve Your Memory? Please leave a comment below…

The post How to Improve Your Memory appeared first on Weight Loss & Training.

* This article was originally published here

Surprising Aloe Vera Hacks You Must Try For Healthy Skin And Hair - Doctor NDTV

Surprising Aloe Vera Hacks You Must Try For Healthy Skin And Hair  Doctor NDTV

* This article was originally published here

Katie Price Instagram post banned by advertising watchdog over diet claim - The Guardian

Katie Price Instagram post banned by advertising watchdog over diet claim    The Guardian * This article was originally published here ...